Roles of Responsibility
We are proud of the many positions of responsibility our Sixth Form students hold. These roles hold a great deal of respect and responsibility, providing essential support to the smooth running of the School.
Ashmole Society
The Ashmole Society is the student committee of the Sixth Form and each tutor group nominates its own representative. The committee meets regularly and is the driving force behind events such as the Macmillan Coffee Morning, the Trolley Dash, Children in Need Fayre and Five for Five. We are proud to organise a number of charity events throughout the year to support others and have raised over £1000 for these charities last year:
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- Children in Need
- The Brain Tumour Research Charity
- The Pink Ribbon Foundation
The Sixth Form team are keen to take on board ideas and suggestions from Sixth Form students through the Ashmole Society. We also run a yearly student voice activity where students have an opportunity to express their views.
House Activities and House Prefects
King Edward VI School, Lichfield has four houses: Addison, Clinton, Darwin and Garrick. To win points and be crowned the Best House at the end of the year, students participate in a variety of House events. Sixth Form students are vital to running these events, getting younger students involved and thus acting as excellent role models. Those students that show great dedication and commitment to their House are made House Prefects and each House elects its own House Captains.
Prefects and Senior Five
During the Autumn Term of Year 12, students can apply to become a Prefect. The aim is to extend the range of social responsibilities and to spread that experience throughout the school community. To blend authority with sympathy and discretion is a searching task, but it leads to the maturity and depth of character which young people need to sustain them through higher education or in the first important years of employment. We are very proud of our Prefects and the role they take in supporting and representing our School and Sixth Form.
Prefects can apply to become a Senior Prefect in the Spring Term of Year 12. There are five Senior Prefect roles including our School Captain.
The Senior Five complete a range of duties, providing an essential link between staff and students and the wider community. They are excellent ambassadors for the School and Sixth Form, representing us at events such as the Johnson Society dinner, the Johnson Birthday celebrations, the School Council and many more.

Senior 5 for 2024/25