The Scholars Programme

A group of incredible Year 10 Gifted & Talented students celebrated their successful completion of the Scholars Programme (run in conjunction with Oxbridge and The Brilliant Club) this week with a graduation ceremony at The University of Birmingham.
The Year 10 students have completed 6 hour long tutorials with a PhD tutor on the extra-curricular topic of flooding and emergency disaster response shelters. The delivery and content was pitched at key stage above their current level to challenge and inspire them.
Once the tutorials were completed, students used this information and further independent research to write a 2000 word dissertation. Within their dissertations students used critical thinking to evaluate various academic theories on their chosen topic, and come to an evidence based conclusion. Students also learnt how to reference in the standard Harvard style used in university essays.
We are really proud to say that many of the students were awarded "first class" degrees from their PhD tutor and all had a fantastic day celebrating their success at the University of Birmingham. All the students have worked so hard on their assignments, and we are delighted with the tenacity and determination they have all demonstrated throughout this challenging programme.
The Year 10 students include:
- Daneen Anwara
- Alexa Beale
- Ben Cook
- Harry Drapier
- Charlotte Duncliffe
- Juan Garcia
- Martha Grumett
- Grace Henson Bailey
- Ted Hill
- Fina Petty
- Luke Pilsbury
- Sophia Speed
- Isaac Woodward